Sometimes it's the not so perfect images that speak the loudest.
Jeremy shot his first wedding with me on John & Micah's big day a little over a week ago (The couple lucked out and had 3 photographers...Myself, Courtney, and Jeremy!). Jeremy has been teaching himself to shoot (and letting me interject my two cents from time to time, too). He shoots a lot of his own images for his design work rather than purchase stock photography. I thought it would be a good idea to have him shoot some weddings with me b/c you can never have too much help and I thought it would be great practice for him. I was impressed with his turn out. The following images are a few that he captured during John & Micah's first dance. He was using available light and the reception was uber dark. While these images aren't super sharp, are a little grainy, and have some motion blur they are some of my favorites from the day. There's just something about them that make me smile. What do you think???
Btw, have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE our "in camera" black & white??? These are straight out of the camera w/ just a slight contrast enhancement otherwise.