

There was a woman at my precinct this morning who was very very unhappy about having to vote electronically (our precinct doesn't do paper ballots) because she doesn't trust computers. She was completely freaked out and very vocal about this. It made me laugh. Paranoid much??? And then the woman "in charge" nearly tackled a another woman who was on her cell phone. Voting was very entertaining for me this morning! ;)

Did you vote?

I'm just excited about not having to see any more political ads after today. You know if John McCain is elected we're going to be hearing a lot more about Joe the Plumber though. I hear a lot of people are vowing to move to Canada if "so and so" is elected (I've heard this about both candidates). I actually know of someone who isn't happy with the direction the government is leading this country so he already made the move to Canada. Funny thing about that is that he flew back to America to vote! Is that stupid to anyone else. I mean he chose not to live here yet he feels he's entitled to vote in the country in which he left. Hmm. Anyway, lots of randomness today. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day and GO VOTE if you haven't already!


Ingram Gang said...


Anonymous said...

when are you going to post the pictures you got from your visit here? I'm waiting woman!