I had the pleasure of photographing Hunter a couple of Sundays ago. He had just endured a long car ride back home from a trip with him Mommy. He was a little cranky at the beginning of our time together but as soon as his Daddy showed up he was the happiest little boy I have ever seen. We had fun playing peek a boo and spinning on the merry-go-round. It's cute kiddos like this that make me think about having another baby. Wait...did I just say that out loud? ;) Here are some of my favorites from Hunter's session.
Btw, one of these days I WILL post photos from the many weddings I have yet to blog. If you'll notice the only time I get to blog anything is when I really should be sleeping. But who needs sleep??? :) Peace+Love.
You are very talented! I love looking at all your pictures!!!
Is Hunter not the sweetest little boy! He is always smiling! You did a great job, like always.
Wait! YOU DID SAY THAT! I think y'all should start trying right now!
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